Le Dr Leyla Ouici : Une praticienne aux doigts d’or
Le Dr Leyla Ouici est une praticienne aux doigts d’or. Après un parcours dans la médecine classique et hospitalière, celle-ci décide de faire un retour vers les médecines douces que sont la médecine chinoise et l’homéopathie.
En quelle année avez-vous commencé à étudier et à exercer l’acupuncture, l’homéopathie et pourquoi?
J’ai commencé à me réorienter vers ces médecines douces en 1986 car je trouvais que les médications administrées aux patients pour certaines pathologies ne nécessitaient pas de médications agressives. Je me suis fortement intéressée à la médecine chinoise car pendant mon enfance en Algérie les médecins chinois obtenaient de très bons résultats dans les soins qu’ils pratiquaient et avaient d’excellents cas de guérison. Ce souvenir encré dans ma mémoire, m’a encouragé à suivre le chemin de cette médecine! Pour ce qui est de l’homéopathie, je perpétue simplement la tradition de mes ancêtres qui n’utilisaient pas de médicaments et je l’ai approfondie professionnellement grâce à mes études et mes recherches en homéopathie. En 1986, j’ai commencé mes études à l’Institut Internationale de Médecine chinoise et en parallèle je suivais mes études auprès du très célèbre Professeur Jean-Marie Danze (Laboratoire UNDA). Dès l’obtention de mes deux diplômes, j’ai immédiatement ouvert mon cabinet et mes patients ont fortement adhérés à ces nouvelles formes de soins, qui leur ont été très bénéfiques et ils en sont encore très ravis.
En quoi consiste l’Acupuncture?
Elle consiste à insérer des aiguilles réparties sur des points précis du corps dont le but est de produire des effets positifs sur l’organisme. L’acupuncture a pour objectif d’équilibrer toutes les fonctions du « QI », autrement dit de l’énergie. Dans la médecine chinoise, si le QI est harmonieux, la maladie ne peut pas s’installer dans le corps!
Quels sont les 5 éléments en Médecine Chinoise?
Les Chinois de l’Antiquité croyaient que toute chose dans l’Univers était une manifestation des cinq Éléments (Bois, Feu, Terre, Métal et Eau) et que le corps humain était un microcosme de l’Univers. Par conséquent, les lois gouvernant la Nature étaient également applicables à l’homme et, au niveau du corps, chacun des cinq Éléments était associé à un système ou organe(s), des sens, émotions, une propension à certains maux ou faiblesses et une certaine orientation envers la vie. Dans le cadre du système des Cinq Éléments, l’examen physique et l’histoire de la personne permet au praticien d’établir un diagnostic. Ceci permet d’identifier l’élément qui, soumit à un stress interne ou externe, se trouve en déséquilibre, ce qui facilite le développement de troubles ou maladies. Le traitement qui en résulte est adapté à chaque individu et prend en compte l’âge, les symptômes, la constitution ainsi que les circonstances de vie de chacun. Le but de l’Acupuncture Cinq-Elément est de traiter le déséquilibre initial, et les effets du traitement se traduisent souvent par, non seulement la disparition des symptômes, mais aussi d’un meilleur état de bien-être, plus d’énergie et de vitalité, une meilleure confiance en soi, un sommeil plus réparateur, ou même une approche plus positive de la vie.
Qu’est-ce que le Ying et le Yang?
Le Ying et le Yang sont deux forces fondamentales, opposées, complémentaires, indissociables, interdépendantes, qui expliquent la manière dont les choses croissent, décroissent, se transforment mutuellement puis meurent. Le Ying est associé à l’ombre, la lune, le froid, l’hiver, la nuit, au nord, à ce qui est caché ou couvert. L’eau est froide, de nature Ying, et a une direction descendante. Le yang est associé à la lumière, au soleil, à la chaleur, à l’été, au sud, à ce qui est visible ou découvert.
Le feu est de nature Yang, s’enflamme, et a une direction ascendante. Le Ying et le Yang s’opposent. Ils n’existent et s’opposent que relativement l’un par rapport à l’autre (chaud-froid, jour-nuit, etc.). Le Ying et le Yang sont interdépendants
Ils ne peuvent exister l’un sans l’autre, ce sont les deux aspects d’une même réalité (pas de jour sans nuit, pas de lumière sans obscurité, etc.)
Dans le corps humain, la théorie du Ying-Yang s’applique aussi. Lorsque l’individu est en bonne santé, le Ying et le Yang sont en harmonie, et dans un équilibre harmonieux et dynamique. Lorsqu’ils sont en déséquilibre, s’ensuivent des pathologies, des maladies.
En quoi consiste l’homéopathie?
L’homéopathie est une méthode thérapeutique très douce qui ne présente aucun risque pour l’organisme. En conséquence, les médicaments utilisés sont dénués de toute toxicité, de toute contre-indication et de tout effet nuisible pour la santé. Mais puisqu’il s’agit avant tout d’un traitement à visée thérapeutique, il convient toujours de bien respecter les doses prescrites ainsi que les précautions d’usage habituelles de sorte à obtenir de meilleurs résultats. L’homéopathie est une méthode thérapeutique naturelle grâce à laquelle il est possible de soigner une multitude de pathologies différentes. Elaborés dans le plus grand respect de la nature et du corps humain, ces médicaments peuvent être pris par tous, sans distinction d’âge ou de sexe.
Vous allez vous installer votre autre cabinet à Bujumbura. Pourquoi ce choix?
Suite à une visite au Burundi l’année dernière où j’ai rencontré plusieurs médecins de différents horizons avec qui nous avons échangé nos points de vue et nos idées, ceux-ci étaient fortement intéressés par mes compétences et m’ont demandé d’apporter mon expérience ici à Bujumbura et en Afrique. J’ouvrirai mon cabinet en février 2015. N’hésitez pas de me contacter par courriel pour connaître la future adresse de mon cabinet et pour toute autre question liées aux soins en médecine douce. Je me ferais un plaisir d’y répondre en attendant de vous recevoir dans mon cabinet.
Pour vos rendez-vous ou vos questions:
Tel: +257 75 550 560 / +32 486 33 69 32
Read MoreFit in Kigali
Struggling With Your Weight? 3 Easy Local solutions to Cut Body Fat Once and For All.
Weight loss. Whether it’s 5, 10, or 40 pounds or whether it’s from unhealthy eating habits or pregnancy, shedding that extra weight is a struggle for everyone. Fortunately, there are great solutions to permanent weight loss right here in Kigali. Let’s forget those quick fixes or occasional diets and focus on the three main reasons why most people struggle to achieve permanent and sustainable weight loss. Then I will give you three easy solutions that can be found locally in Kigali to help you achieve your goals.
Unhealthy Eating
Kigali, the city of 1000 Buffets. As tasty as they may be, they are usually unhealthy unless you choose consciously from the many different options. Matoke, ugali, rice, and potatoes are all carbohydrates that shouldn’t all be on the same plate. They have a high-calorie count and it’s much easier for your body to burn any excess calories from carbohydrates into fat than it is to turn protein and vegetables into fat. In general, you should aim for a healthy nutritional balance between proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
Solution: Choose a lunch buffet that has a wide variety of vegetables and lean proteins. We recommend the buffets at Shokola Lite, Brachetto, or Sol e Luna which usually features several healthy entrees. Make sure your plate consists of 30% protein, 50 % veggies, and only 20% grains and carbohydrates.
For more detailed advice WAKA Fitness has experienced dieticians who are available for individual consultations for just RWF 7500.
Gym Illiteracy
Working out at a gym will not automatically give you the results you’re looking for. In addition, there are many myths when it comes to getting stronger, leaner, and healthier. Spending your time wisely in the gym by following the right workout program, developed by experienced and educated personal trainers will not only give you better results but also save you time.
Solution: There are many different fitness facilities in Kigali and most, including WAKA, feature personal trainers who can assist with building individualized programs to help you achieve your goals. Here’s a hint for choosing the right personal trainer: if he or she suggests that you do cardiovascular exercises, instead of strength training exercises, to lose weight you may want to find another trainer. Strength training for both men and women has been proven to burn body fat faster and create a stronger and leaner physique.
Permanent weight loss and lifestyle change take time and commitment. Not seeing any results is demotivating. Exercising with others, and most importantly, finding the form of exercise that you enjoy will help you stay committed.
Solution: Find others with similar goals and push each other to achieve them. Ask your colleagues or use online social media tools, such as Living in Kigali or Kigali Life, to connect with other people with weight loss goals. Try out different fitness classes or activities available across the city. At WAKA we offer special group exercise classes such as Yoga, Zumba, and Pilates and personal training packages for groups so you can train with a spouse or friend at the same time.
Read MoreHealth: Colour Therapy
The rainbow inside us. There are seven energy wheels (chakras) that are reflecting the colours of the rainbow. They are situated within the endocrine glands and are closely related to our organs, nervous system and emotions. Each chakra vibrates on a specific colour frequency yet they are in constant energetic c o r r e s p o n d e n c e with each other. A balanced chakra system reflects bright colours, the energy flows freely and we are in a healthy, happy and peaceful state. Unbalance in any chakra leads to a change in colour, blockage of energy, emotional stress and eventually shows in form of physical ailments.
Colours of the chakras
Chakra: BASE or ROOT, situated at the base of the spine Area of survival, stability and security issues, fears Endocrine gland: adrenals Organs related: kidneys and bladder Physical problems related: Constipation, diarrhoea, cold fingers/ toes, high blood pressure, kidney stones, problems with hips, legs and feet.
Chakra: SACRAL, situated lower abdomen Area of self-respect, giving and receiving, creativity, fertility Endocrine gland: ovaries, testicles Organs related: uterus, large bowel, prostate, ovaries and testes. Physical problems related: reproductive system problems, irritable bowel syndrome, lower back pain.
Chakra: SOLAR PLEXUS, situated below the ribs Area of self-worth, personality, ego and the intellect. Endocrine gland: pancreas Organs related: liver, spleen, stomach, small intestine. Physical problems related: Digestive issues, diabetes, pancreatitis, liver disease, gall stones.
Chakra: HEART, situated in the centre of the chest Area of love/self-love, giving and receiving unconditionally Endocrine gland: thymus Organs related: heart and breasts Physical problems related: Heart diseases, diseases of the Immune System
Chakra: THROAT, situated in the throat area of self-expression, communication, truth & purpose.
Endocrine gland: thyroid Organs related: throat and lungs Physical problems related: Thyroid problems, asthma, bronchitis, mouth ulcers, sore throats.
Chakra: BROW, situated in the centre of the forehead Area of self-responsibility and trusting one’s own intuition
Endocrine gland: pituitary Organs related: eyes, lower head and sinuses Physical problems related: Tension headache, migraine, visual defects, sinus problems, ear problems.
Chakra: CROWN, situated in the top of the head Area of self-knowledge – your higher consciousness. Endocrine gland: pineal Organs related: brain Physical problems related: depression, dizziness & mental disorders Attraction to any of these colours gives brightness to the related chakra whereas a dislike to any of these colour(s) is a blockage in the related chakra(s).
Colour Therapy:
Colour Therapy is an ancient holistic healing way to balance our chakra system. There are various methods of applying colour to the body. I use the technique of visualisation, giving the mind the colour impulses needed to restore balance within the chakras that are blocked. Sounds unbelievable? Yet if belief can move mountains then surely we can turn this rainbow inside of us into a bright and colourful one to restore health and happiness.
Be the rainbow that you are. For more information on a colour therapy
workshop, please contact:
Petra Behnsen. Email: petrabehnsen@gmx.net
What can a Psychologist do for you?
Our minds and bodies are built to tolerate a lot, but, from time to time, we all experience
some form of imbalance or disequilibrium. This is completely normal and even necessary for personal growth. However, things can get a bit too intense, sometimes.
Say your company is reorganizing – meaning more work and fewer hands! At home, your teenage son is a slob who sleeps all day when he is not in front of a screen. You suspect your spouse is cheating on you. There is no one you can talk to about your life fears, so you find yourself spending a large part of your diminishing energy keeping the facade in
Do you get the picture? Now see where this can take you. You start worrying about your performance, in general, but particularly at work. Afraid of losing your job, you stay late to compensate. Going home, or meeting friends (they are probably laughing at you behind your back) doesn’t seem like an option. Your new routine becomes: leave work late, stop for a quick one, or a few – to help your insomnia, you tell yourself. Crash when you get home. No dinner, it is too late, besides you don’t feel like dealing with your family’s disapproval (who do they think they are anyway? Why are you working so hard for such losers?!). You fall into a fitful sleep. Suddenly, you are wide awake. It is four a.m. Your mind is racing. You can’t switch it off in order to go back to sleep. You panic about things that are not really within your control, you struggle to find a way that will help you remember some of these thoughts in the morning, then, just as you begin to dose off again, the alarm clock rings in the new day! You feel drained and slightly hung-over. What was it you wanted to remember in the morning? Your memory draws a blank and your head starts thudding rhythmically, in unison with your pulse.
Breakfast is a silent affair. You gulp it down, slightly nauseated. Your son –at the table at your insistence (we need some discipline around here!) – slouches over his plate, irritating you. You leave in a hurry to get to the office, your refuge. Your concentration is shot, due to hang-over and lack of sleep. You are impatient with everyone, they avoid eye contact with you. You try to steal 40 winks sitting on the toilet – your chin in your hands.
Towards afternoon, feeling slightly better, you start organizing your day. The others leave, ignoring you. You stay late. Ten o’clock you renounce, go for a
quick one, get drunk………….
Before you know where you are, you have dug yourself into a deep, dark place. This out-of-balance feeling is often referred to as “stressed out”. Balance is dynamic and one often swings right back to health with no further problem. However, most of us endure
more of these out-of-balance periods with declining vigour. Some push on as though the imbalance didn’t exist. Others surrender and succumb to fear, inertia, depression, burnout, or worse – depending on personality, learning and genetics. In either case, a vicious cycle is established, and before long, there is an escalation of stressed-reckless-risk-taking behaviour, or obsessive-compulsive-workaholic behaviour, or even tuned-out-disinterested passivity – among many other possible variations. Your colleagues, friends and family may indeed abandon you, you may lose your job and your mind – exactly as you had predicted!
Your eating, drinking, worrying and sleeping habits become chronically disrupted, affecting your health. Isn’t it only reasonable to try and prevent overloading to dangerous levels of imbalance? Our lives today demand high levels of efficiency, structure and energy. To cope effectively, we need
• Good habits
• Regular, restorative rest and exercise
• Relaxation routines
• Awareness of one’s own strengths and weaknesses
• Time in reflection
• life and career structure
Psychologists help people
Balance is what psychologists offer so that one functions optimally professionally, socially and relationally, and adjusts emotionally, intellectually and physically.
Most of us would, quite naturally, seek the services of a dentist to maintain good oral health, regularly
go for a medical check-up at the doctor’s office, call in an electrician to inspect power installations at home, or take the car for servicing. We know that maintenance is the first step in prevention. It seems unwise to think that your psychological well-being is not as important. One of our most basic beliefs is that our MINDS define our humanity. YET we put off seeking help when it comes to the most complex of organs, our brain, and
the most intricate of systems, our minds, which together make up our mental health. We minimize the danger signals or ignore them – often until it is too late. Early recognition and understanding of your individual signals of stress can go a long way in preventing poor mental health and enhancing the quality of life.
Pure commonsense and self-preservation should tell us that suffering when there is help available, seems defeatist. Psychologists use specific methods and promote skill learning
Mental fatigue, stress, problems and disorders can be avoided, controlled, treated and even cured, through healthy thinking, restructuring, and awareness. Research shows that: 50% of us, at any given time, suffer from stress, depression, worries, and other signs of mental imbalance. These are the kinds of figures we should not ignore.
Most illnesses, including somatic illness, are either started, maintained or aggravated by our psychological attitudes. We have witnessed how thinking positively can make a great difference to the outcomes of people with HIV+ status. Positive thinking is based on a sense of control, which is a psychological concept. Counselling techniques are based on cognitive behavioural therapy, a psychological method. Changing the way you think can have a positive effect on you, whether you are suffering from sleeplessness or cancer. In other words, our thoughts influence our conditions! And we can control our thoughts! In a way, Abraham Lincoln was right: most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be! Prevention is better than cure. Learning how to prevent is learning a vital set of survival skills for the world we live in today. Once learnt, you can apply these skills to other areas of your life. In light of this, it would seem absolutely unnecessary to struggle in the dark, in secret.
It seems unwise to think that your psychological well being is less important than everything else. After all, one of our most basic beliefs is that our MINDS define our humanity. Suffering from:
• Sleeping problems, from thoughts keeping you awake (like a TV you can’t turn off)?
• Drinking to switch off, but now a bit worried it is too much (doing drugs, over-indulging in prescription medicines)?
• Worrying all, or most of, the time?
• Conflict with colleagues, friends, family?
• Fear of losing control, lack of structure, loss of direction?
• Feeling underappreciated, angry, depressed, oversensitive?
• Low self-esteem, boredom, low self-assertiveness?
Communication, concentration and attention problems?
a sounding board for career planning or self-development?
to learn to structure, focus and plan to overcome feeling disorganised?
Contact a psychologist and make an appointment for a completely confidential chat that could just be
Malaria, Mozzies and Mzungu: Part 4
This is the 4th article in our series on malaria, if you want to read the others go on The Eye website and you will find the full or even expanded articles. We have covered the life cycle, the disease, the effect of immunity, and diagnosis. We asked the question, why is a Pakwatch schoolboy who is bitten 5 times a night completely well most of the time, yet a Mzungu bitten once on a weekend in Murchison is very ill in 10 days and without treatment dead in another week? More importantly, why are so many travelers told they have malaria even when they are taking prophylaxis and don’t even have a fever, or have only been in the country for 4 days?
We looked at the reality of malaria diagnosis, the difficulty of relying on a blood slide, and the results of some research highlighting the very real problem of overdiagnosis.
One about to be published article shows some research in Tanzania where in one area 98% of people diagnosed and treated for malaria did not have malaria. So how do you know if you have malaria and not another cause of fever, a virus, or meningitis, or a hangover?
If you are on holiday, away from home, or sitting worrying in your house at midnight with a hot cross 2 years old and desperate for a good night’s sleep, what do you do? Your friends confidently tell you the child has malaria, but you really don’t think so. Is the child going to go unconscious before morning? Is it safe to carry on our trip? Is it safe to be pregnant in Uganda, won’t malaria cause a miscarriage, and the treatment harm the baby?
Article 3 finished asking, “What is the answer?” Read On!
First common sense! Ask the 3 questions looked at in detail in the last article: where were you 10 days ago, am I taking prophylaxis, do the symptoms fit. Common sense can take you a long way in medicine!
The next best answer is the malaria rapid test. They have a sensitivity of finding malaria if there is 1 parasite in 25,000 cells. In theory, The Gold Standard lucky expert could find one parasite in 50,000 if he looked for long enough. However as the number increases by about 10 every 2 days, then the worst that can happen is that 2 days later there is 1 parasite in 2,500 cells. Not a big deal. You need to wait another 4 days, i.e. a total of 6 days, to get the potentially fatal 5% parasite, count. So a good malaria rapid test, repeated the next day if negative is going to find your malaria long before you get seriously sick. It will pick up as a faint positive while you still have a slight headache and a fever that you hardly know is there.
So what is the problem?
First. There are some very poor tests on the market. We found one that missed malaria even with one in 2,000 parasites. It will find them before the fatal amount, but still far too insensitive to be of any use in the field. We wrote to the importer requesting them to take it off the market. We cannot name it! But the following we can recommend. Becton Dickinson, ACT, and MR were made in Cape Town and distributed by The Surgery. Those are genuinely sensitive to one in 25,000.
Next problem. They go out of date. If in doubt trade it in for a new one.
Next. Too much heat ruins them. They may give a false positive, telling you that you have malaria when you don’t or miss it when you do. If it has been cooked, chuck it.
Next. The reagent evaporates. It does not happen if the top is screwed down properly! We have tried it, we kept them upside down for weeks and they do not leak if properly tight! If your bottle is empty, get it refilled. It is only buffered water, and we have liter bottles of it.
Next. They will miss vivax and p. malaria. It doesn’t matter, as neither can cause severe malaria, but can be a big nuisance. So if you get a 2-day or 3-day recurrent fever with a persistently negative rapid, think of other species. One good clue: urobilinogen in the urine. It makes it very dark even if you are drinking plenty. There are vivax rapid tests, even some that pick up all 3. They cost a bit more but if you live in a vivax area, i.e. a bit cooler, get the kit that tests for both.
Next. They stay positive for a very long time after cure. It picks up a protein called the F protein that is released by the parasites. It carries on circulating in the blood for weeks after the parasite is dead and gone; until it is removed by enzymes that cut it up and metabolize it. So in a semi-immune with a stimulated and efficient enzyme pathway, it goes negative in a few days after treatment. In a traveler, it takes up to 6 weeks. So a positive rapid 3 weeks after treatment does not mean you have another bout of malaria. It might! Or it might still be fading. All you can do is repeat the next day. If it is an even stronger positive that means you have new malaria. If it is fainter then it is the old one still showing positive.
However, this is not only a problem; it is also one of the good things about the rapid tests. It means we can tell if someone really did have malaria after treatment. So if someone has “malaria” and is treated and doesn’t get better, we can see if they really did have malaria or we need to look for another disease causing the symptoms. Every day we see people who have been treated for “malaria” with very unlikely symptoms. In about 9 out of 10 cases we find the rapid is negative.
Summary. Diagnosis of malaria is not as straightforward as you may think. The symptoms are not specific, very many different diseases can be wrongly diagnosed as malaria, and blood slides are easily misinterpreted.
If the diagnosis is missed for too long it can be fatal. However, treating every disease like malaria can also be fatal.
A really expert microscopist with new slides, clean stains, and a properly serviced microscope, with negatives, repeated a day later, is the best method of diagnosing malaria, as they can tell if it is falciparum vivax or p. malaria, how many parasites there are and if the number is close to being dangerous.
In practice in most places, the most reliable method is the do-it-yourself malaria rapid test. It can be done at home, on the road, or on holiday back in Europe. It can save a lot of lives as well as lots of hassle. It will pick up malaria at very low densities of 1 in 25,000, including the time when they are “sequestrated” in the deep organs and therefore not seen in a slide. They also need to repeat negatives in 24 hours. They will miss the other species unless it is a multi-species test, and give false positives for up to 6 weeks after treatment. They can also be spoilt; out of date and done wrongly, they are not the perfect answer.
The absolute best is both! A rapid and a slide. If in doubt, remember common sense. And the most important piece of health equipment you can have with you is your mobile phone. In the next eye, we look at treatment
Read MoreClinics and Doctors
Clinics / Cliniques
Clinique Liberte, Tel: +250 507063
Hospital Roi Faycale, Tel: +250 82421, 85397,
Fax:+250 570184
Faith Clinic, Avenue de la Paix. Tel: +250 570296.
Polyclinique Centrale de Kigali, Tel: +250 576377.
Polyclinique du Carefour, Tel: +250 571361/62.
Polyclinique du Plateau, Blvd de la Revolution,
Tel: +250 578767, Fax: +250 572125
Polyfam, Avenue de la Justice, Ameki Color Building,
Tel: +250 573477, Fax: +250 578885
Dentists / Dentistes
Clinique Dentaire Adventiste, Tel: +250 582431.
Doctors / Médecins
Medecine Generaliste, Avenue du lac Burera,
Tel: +250 576357 or +250 08638548,
Fax: +250 576357
Medecine Generaliste, Tel: +250 573557
Main Hospitals / Grands Hopitaux
King Faisal Hospital, Tel: +250 582421,
585397, 582469, Fax: +250 583203,
E-mail: faisal@rwanda1.com
CHUK, Tel: +250 575406/575555/575150/
575462, Fax: +250 576638,
E-mail: chk@rwandatel1.rwanda1.com,
Polyclique du Plateau, Tel: +250 578767,
Fax: +250 572125, E-mail pcp@rwanda1.com
Ophthalmology / Ophthalmologue
Clinique Ophtalmologique, Tel: +250 571143.
Opticians / Opticiens
DK Optica Avenue du Commerce, (041) 571804.
Nu Vision Optical, City Plaza Avenue du Commerce.
Kigaloptic, Rue de Lac Ihema, (Building Ets Ndamage), Tel: +250 573041, Fax: +250 573041,
Email: minjb@rwandatel1.rwanda1.com
O.P.A Pharmacies s.a.r.l, Tel: +250 511089, 575389, Fax: +250 574749
Read MoreClinics and Doctors
Clinics / Cliniques
Clinique Liberte, Tel: +250 507063
Hospital Roi Faycale, Tel: +250 82421, 85397,
Fax:+250 570184
Faith Clinic, Avenue de la Paix. Tel: +250 570296.
Polyclinique Centrale de Kigali, Tel: +250 576377.
Polyclinique du Carefour, Tel: +250 571361/62.
Polyclinique du Plateau, Blvd de la Revolution,
Tel: +250 578767, Fax: +250 572125
Polyfam, Avenue de la Justice, Ameki Color Building,
Tel: +250 573477, Fax: +250 578885
Dentists / Dentistes
Clinique Dentaire Adventiste, Tel: +250 582431.
Doctors / Médecins
Medecine Generaliste, Avenue du lac Burera,
Tel: +250 576357 or +250 08638548,
Fax: +250 576357
Medecine Generaliste, Tel: +250 573557
Main Hospitals / Grands Hopitaux
King Faisal Hospital, Tel: +250 582421,
585397, 582469, Fax: +250 583203,
E-mail: faisal@rwanda1.com
CHUK, Tel: +250 575406/575555/575150/
575462, Fax: +250 576638,
E-mail: chk@rwandatel1.rwanda1.com,
Polyclique du Plateau, Tel: +250 578767,
Fax: +250 572125, E-mail pcp@rwanda1.com
Ophthalmology / Ophthalmologue
Clinique Ophtalmologique, Tel: +250 571143.
Opticians / Opticiens
DK Optica Avenue du Commerce, (041) 571804.
Nu Vision Optical, City Plaza Avenue du Commerce.
Kigaloptic, Rue de Lac Ihema, (Building Ets Ndamage), Tel: +250 573041, Fax: +250 573041,
Email: minjb@rwandatel1.rwanda1.com
O.P.A Pharmacies s.a.r.l, Tel: +250 511089, 575389, Fax: +250 574749
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